HOLIDAY CLOSING: Please note that Dedham Savings will be closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, 1/20. Remember that you can bank with us anytime via ATM, Online or Mobile Banking.

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4 Key Action Steps to Protect Yourself Against Cyber-Threats

Are you following these tips to protect yourself online?

Think Before You Click: Recognize and Report Phishing: If a link looks a little off, think before you click. It could be an attempt to get sensitive information or install malware.

Update Your Software: Don’t delay — If you see a software update notification, act promptly. Better yet, turn on automatic updates.

Use Strong Passwords: Use passwords that are long, unique, and randomly generated. Use password managers to generate and remember different, complex passwords for each of your accounts. A passwords manager will encrypt passwords securing them for

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication: You need more than a password to protect your online accounts, and enabling MFA makes you significantly less likely to get hacked.


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