HOLIDAY CLOSING: Please note that Dedham Savings will be closed for Veterans Day on Monday, 11/11. Remember that you can bank with us anytime via ATM, Online or Mobile Banking.

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Real Estate Loans

Work with local market experts.

Meet the Team

Commercial Real Estate Loans are about people working together to build something for the future – a home, a neighborhood, a workplace, a community. Whether you’re a real estate investor, real estate developer, or the owner of an existing property, we can provide the support you need to buy, improve, develop, or build.

The Perks

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Comprehensive Knowledge of the Local Market

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Years of Experience Helping Businesses Grow

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Have a Dedicated Contact When you Need Help

We have the know-how, the experience, and the professional Lenders to help you structure the financing to make your real estate plans come together.

We can provide flexible terms and pricing. If you’re looking to improve, expand, refinance or purchase commercial or multi-family property, or if you manage commercial or multi-family property, we have the solutions and expertise you need.

  • Single- and multi-family residential properties
  • Retail and mixed-use buildings
  • Office and professional space
  • Commercial structures
  • Commercial condominiums
  • Expansion and improvements

Meet the Team

Employee headshot
Norman Hayes
Martin Connors
Alex Cavallini
Gerald Marcus
Joseph McPhee
Fritz Murphy

Ready to Apply?

We’re so excited to work with you! Get in touch now: