
Mortgages & Loans

Getting Real About Real Estate

Here are some tips to consider before locking in your next mortgage.

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Things to Know About Expensive Items in Homes

Your house very likely contains (and in some cases is made up of) many expensive items. Some are smaller — like a refrigerator — while others are huge — like your roof. When they break down, you’re faced with a tough call. Repair it or replace it? It’s an especially important question to think about when you’re buying, selling, or trying to maintain a home you’re planning to stay in for some time. Here’s what you should know.

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Dedham Savings Offers Assistance to Homebuyers Through FHLBank Boston’s How Program

HOW provides assistance to FHLBank Boston financial institution members to help local homebuyers earning more than 80% and up to 120% of the area median income with down payments on owner-occupied primary residences.

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Dedham Savings Offers Assistance to Homebuyers Through FHLBank Boston’s Equity Builder Program

Dedham Savings has been selected to participate in Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston’s Equity Builder Program, which assists local homebuyers with down-payment and closing costs as well as homebuyer counseling and rehabilitation assistance.

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