$150,000 Grant to Dedham Town Green Project

The Dedham Savings Community Foundation has made a $150,000 grant to the new Dedham Town Green project. This grant is the largest gift to the project to date, and pushed the fundraising committee close to its $500,000 goal.
In mid-September, the Town Green Fundraising Committee (TGFC) launched its campaign to raise $500,000 in private donations to help fund construction of public green space on the site of the former Dedham police station at 600 High Street in Dedham Square.
“This generous gift from the Dedham Savings Community Foundation, the largest gift to date, is monumental to our efforts. It’s pushed us so much closer to meeting our goal of raising $500,000 by the end of November,” said TGFC co-chair Mark Epker. “Dedham Savings’ continued community partnership will help guarantee Dedham gets the Town Green it deserves and one that will be a source of pride for generations to come.”
“Dedham has been our namesake town since the Bank’s founding in 1831 and we look forward to the vibrancy and connectedness this new Town Green will bring to the center of Dedham,” stated Peter Brown, Dedham Savings President & CEO. “Our Foundation is committing significant dollars toward this project because we understand its significance to the town and to our fellow residents. In viewing the plans, it’s clear the use of the space has been well thought out and the Green will serve as a real gathering space for the community.”
The Town estimates construction of the new Town Green will cost approximately $4.3 million. Town Meeting approved $2.55 million of town funding and the Town has secured or is working to secure an additional $1.25 million in public grant funding.
Halvorson, the firm contracted by the Town to design the Town Green, incorporated many key features into the design which are a direct reflection of what residents expressed during several community input meetings held over the last year by the Town Green Working Group, which was created by the Select Board to research and advise the Town Manager on design and construction options for the police station site. The design features include outdoor seating and eating areas, a community pavilion, green infrastructure including rain gardens, solar panels, additional greenery and shade and other amenities.
Helpful Links & Information:
- Town Green Project Website
- Questions can be emailed to [email protected]
Organizations wishing to request funding from the Dedham Savings Community Foundation may apply online at www.dedhamsavings.com/community.