Fully Insured Deposits
One of the key benefits customers receive when banking with Dedham Savings is full deposit insurance coverage, through our combined FDIC and DIF insurance. This combined coverage means deposits are insured in full up to any amount.
New Budget for a New Year
The beginning of a new year is a great time to assess or reassess your household budget – the amount you spend to keep the lights on, the family fed and everything else humming along. If you don’t already have a spending plan in place, now is the time to set up some strategies to help guide you to a more financially sound future.
When it Comes to Saving on Big Purchases, Timing is Everything
Inflation is rising and pushing prices on pretty much everything sky high. That means if you’re in need of a big-ticket item — like an appliance or a computer — you should formulate a plan for how you’re going to pay for it before you buy. Here are some things to consider.